I write these notes to solidify concepts for myself. These are not polished, user-friendly blog posts.
2018-06-12 | Deploying a Flask Application on Ubuntu 16.04 | [python gunicorn nginx systemd ufw letsencrypt ssl] |
2018-06-06 | How to Setup a Python3 Development Environment (2018 Edition) | [pyenv virtualenv virtualenvwrapper] |
2018-03-21 | Changing Mouse Sensitivity on Lubuntu 16.04 | [ubuntu command line] |
2018-03-01 | Separate SSH Key for different Gitlab/Github accounts | [ubuntu lubuntu osx mac] |
2017-09-11 | Hugo readDir and generating dynamic JSON | template, templating, page variables |
2017-09-06 | Debugging Cron | ubuntu |
2017-09-04 | Python's os.path.isdir() quirk | file manipulation |
2017-08-30 | Change prompt for virtualenv | python, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper, bash |
2017-08-08 | Traction | growth |
2017-07-29 | My 85 year-old grandpa's to-do app | productivity, wisdom |
2017-07-28 | Importance of Deadlines | wisdom, productivity |
2017-07-21 | Designing Database Schemas | db, postgres |
2017-07-18 | Querying with sqlalchemy | postgres, db, database, mapping, reflecting |
2017-07-17 | SQLAlchemy: Querying | sqlalchemy, database, postgres |
2017-07-14 | From Script to Package | deployment, architecture, design |
2017-07-10 | Dulwich: Python library for managing git | pygit, gitpython |
2017-07-07 | Deployment Architecture | code organization, git, cron |
2017-07-06 | Git: Pushing and Deploying to a Private Server | ci, continuous deployment, github, gitlab, vps, ssh, keygen, public key, private key |
2017-07-03 | Sending emails with Python: Sparkpost API | smtp relay, automation |
2017-06-19 | Death | death, life, wisdom |
2017-06-17 | Network Upgrade | switches, router, port forwarding, qos, privacy error, voip |
2017-06-12 | Network Architecture: Switches | |
2017-06-06 | SQLAlchemy: Mapping & Reflection | automap_base, pandas, sql, psql, postgres, primary key, database |
2017-06-05 | Simplifying Classes, Cleaner Interface | api, database, psql, postgres, scraper, sps, python |
2017-06-02 | Pandas with SQLAlchemy (and Postgres) | python, psql, postgresql, sql, pandas.DataFrame.to_sql, engine, organization, sps, oop, object oriented, database |
2017-06-01 | Database Sessions and User facing API | scraping, scraper, crawler, application structure, app structure, python, kenneth, reitz, requests |
2017-05-30 | Nothing is Something | object oriented design, oop, sandi, metz, railconf, ruby, dependencies, inheritance |
2017-05-26 | Structuring an Application | architecture, structure, scraper, scraping, postgres, psql, hugo, api, database |
2017-05-25 | SQLAlchemy with PostgreSQL | sql, psql, python, dbapi, pyscopg2 |
2017-05-24 | Caffeine at ~30 | getting older, wisdom, health, sleep |
2017-05-23 | Postgres Setup | sql, psql, sps, osx, ubuntu, pg_hba.conf, database |
2017-05-22 | RequireJS Basics | javascript, jquery, asynchronous, async |
2017-04-28 | Hugo: Create pages without a theme | hugo version 0.20, static site generators, golang, templates, html, css, explicit, implicit |
2016-11-15 | How to add TLS to a custom domain on Gitlab Pages | ssl, https, security, letsencrypt |
2016-09-21 | Gitlab Pages: A Wordpress Alternative | free, html, css, javascript, jamstack, custom domain name, js |
2016-08-22 | Set up Selenium with Chrome (Headless) | python, web scraping, crawling, chromedriver, virtual display, ubuntu, linux |
2016-08-19 | Setup a python2 dev environment on a Mac | homebrew, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper, virtual environment, osx |
2015-07-20 | Vagrant and Ansible | vagrant, ansible, development environment, virtual machine, automation scripts, yaml |